Consistent or Persistent?

“Consistency is what transforms average into excellence".”

I read this quote earlier today as I was searching for something to guide me each day to gain consistency in my life. It’s something I struggle with and it’s really affecting my life in many aspects. Anyone else? Just me?Maybe, but I think not.

Anyways, I couldn’t help but think what I had discussed in a therapy session a few years ago while I was in graduate school and working full time; “I am really good at school.“ What I mean is, I could set goals of getting a 4.0, complete research each day and accomplish my assignments on schedule or ahead of time, but I struggle to be consistent and focused to be “good” at other facets within my life.

Today, this discussion popped in my head again and I questioned myself, “Why am I so “good” at school but struggle to be disciplined in other aspects of my life?” Then it dawned on me; I have an end result. I knew that when I finished a paper I would get a grade and feedback within 48 hours, the two years within graduate school were mapped out for me, I knew each step I needed to take, I knew that after two years I would get to walk across stage and be applauded for my accomplishment, I would receive a physical diploma, I have something to add to my resumé, I would receive a definite raise, and most importantly there was a finish line. There was certainty.

This realization has really got me thinking y’all! I have to do to something about this with daily tasks, my ideas, sides businesses, and writing. It’s obvious I haven’t written a blog post since November 2021 and before that, who knows! I have just not been consistent in anything. I have SO many ideas and ways to grow, I just don’t start them, or I do but never follow-through all the way like I could. It’s because I don’t have certainty and control over the end result. I want to write a book but what if no one wants to publish or I self publish it and no one buys it? Its obvious as I am writing this that fear is the antagonist here. It’s fear of the unknown.

When I was in 7th grade I remember my teacher told me I doubt myself too much. I shouldn’t second guess my opinions or choices so much. I was told the same thing by a teacher in high school and again from a professor in college. It’s clear this is a consistent attribute of myself. How can I change this quality and make consistency and progression my lifestyle?

I journal to release confusion within my head and to become more clear on my thoughts with something. This blog is no different. I am writing to help myself but hopefully along the way you as a reader will find something to help you or at least let you know you are not alone in feelings like this.

So, as I sit and type this I am thinking about how I can help myself. I need set steps, I need to take one step at a time and set smaller goals, just like I did with each class in order to get to the bigger goal, earn a 4.0 GPA (grades don’t matter, but this was something I did to keep me focused on earning the required letter grades needed to stay in the program). I accomplished this though, and I can do the same with other parts of my life like writing everyday, designing and making earrings, along with the other ideas floating around in this head of mine. Moving forward I am going to set the end goal and make it explicit but then write down the little goals I need to achieve in order to get there. This also sounds so cheesy, oh my gosh, I know… but its the truth! There is a reason it has been said over and over again and you can find this quote all over Pinterest boards.

So it’s one thing to be persistent with things but it’s another to be consistent. Without consistency you won’t be able to retain what you were persistent about in the first place. Believe me everybody this is something I am just now realizing myself, it’s like the time I first realized I could open up more than one box of cereal at a time in college. LIFE CHANGING, let me tell ya!

So in the end, you guys will hear from me at least twice a week (I’ve gotta start small) because I know what my ultimate end goal is and you know what yours is too… so let’s go out and get it for we were not born to be average, we are meant to be excellent!

xoxo signing off,
